
Boardroom 240x240The purpose of this section is to provide a forum for some serious discussions about major life issues, such as its meaning and purpose, faith, morality, 等等…

It is not our intention that such discussions should be restricted to people who see things the same way that we do. You are entitled to honestly disagree: but we expect participants to treat one another with respect and present their reasons without being gratuitously offensive: otherwise postings are likely to be cut or blocked.

However we do realise that, sometimes, contributors may still have something to say that is worth hearing, even though perhaps said in anger. In such cases, we may elect to adjourn such discussions to our咆哮section.

N.B. 此網頁還沒有一 “簡化英語” 版.
自動翻譯基礎上的英文原文. 它們可能包括顯著錯誤.

該 “錯誤風險” 翻譯的評級是: ????


偶爾, 討論有爭議的問題可能會過熱. This is a place where such ‘rantings’ 可能被隔離, 所以關鍵點可以, 希望, 以更具建設性的方式進一步審查.
看看一些比較棘手的問題就各種問題 – 不提供明確的答案; 但指出可能解決問題不同觀點. 儘管有時這些可能開闢更多的問題 …