
Boardroom Fight 240x240EMOTIONAL HEALTH WARNING: Do not read beyond this page if you are not prepared to risk being offended by some of the things that are said!

たまに, when people are discussing issues that matter very much to them, things can get a little heated. Generally, the best thing to do in such cases is to go away and let tempers cool before attempting to renew the discussion.

But sometimes things are said in anger that need to be heard and faced up to. This section has been provided as a place to which such ‘rantingsmay be quarantined from the main ディスカッション forum, so that key points can be picked up on and, うまくいけば, be further examined in a progressively more constructive manner.

It is to be hoped that this section will remain empty (or nearly so) for a very long time

N.B. This page does not yet have a簡略化された英語version.
Automated translations are based on the original English text. They may include significant errors.

ザ・ “エラーリスク” 翻訳の評価は: ????

Postings in this category:

  • 愛の目的
    In discussion about ‘conversion therapy’, I have previously commented that, “if someone believes that their physical form is meant to reflect God’s purpose for their life: then it is necessary to start asking some much deeper questions about the relationship between real love and sexual attraction.This article delves more deeply into these issues.
  • Why the Conversion Therapy Ban Must Be Stopped
    This is the first ever posting in the ‘Rantingscategory; and I did not expect to be the one making it! But the urgent and short-term nature of the topic, coupled with its contentious nature, persuaded me that this was the most appropriate place for such a discussion.