Lub Hwj Chim ntawm Kev Xaiv

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Cov “yuam kev Risk” kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm kev txhais lus yog: ????

Can we really choose our destiny: or is our supposed freedom just an illusion?

The pages that follow can best be described as abook blog.For a couple of years now it has been on my mind to write a book on this subject: but it has become clear that unless I make some kind of start on the project it is not going to happen.

I do not want to write in a vacuum. I am interested in finding out if what I am saying is making sense to those who read it and discovering what adjustments I may need to make, either to my own thinking or how I express these ideas, in order to make this as helpful as possible to others. So please feel free to make use of the comments sections that will appear on each page. But be aware that, if this is eventually published, I may include your comments as part of the final text; so if you have any specific wish for your id to be either published or withheld, please make this clear at the time of posting.

You are free to honestly disagree with me or other commenters: but we expect participants to treat one another with respect and present their reasons without being gratuitously offensive: otherwise postings are likely be cut or blocked. Off-topic comments will not generally be posted: but may be moved to a more appropriate location if one exists on this site.

So here goes

Is Freewill a Fantasy?

(Back to ‘What’s it all About?)

Tso ib saib

Koj tseem tuaj yeem siv cov lus pom los nug cov lus nug ntawm tus kheej: tab sis yog tias muaj, thov suav nrog cov ntaub ntawv tiv tauj thiab / lossis hais kom meej yog tias koj tsis xav kom koj tus kheej raug tshaj tawm rau pej xeem.

Thov nco ntsoov: Cov lus pom zoo ib txwm saib xyuas ua ntej tshaj tawm; yog li ntawd yuav tsis tshwm sim tam sim ntawd: tab sis lawv yuav tsis raug txwv tsis tsim nyog.

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